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Dealing with loss is difficult

Let us help with the financial side

Widows and Widowers


Losing your soulmate is traumatic. It’s a painful time to have to make financial decisions. You may feel a huge responsibility to fulfill the wishes of your spouse on your own. These moments are when reaching out to find help can alleviate some of the stress you are feeling.


You might have a lot of questions. Do I have what I need to maintain the standard of living we had together? Do I need to change things financially from the way we had them? What if I make a big mistake with the money we accumulated together? Will I still be able to help my kids go to college? How do I know who I can trust for information and guidance?


We can help you sort through what you need to do immediately and help you see what your new situation involves. Unfortunately, the time after a spouse’s passing you may be vulnerable and there are people who will take advantage of the grieving spouse. You need someone you can trust who won’t rush decisions unnecessarily.

Take back control

When you’re ready, we can help with paperwork to move accounts into your name, work through what investment strategy is suited for you, work with you and an attorney to update your estate plan, prepare your tax returns, and other services you might need. Our goal is to help you feel comfortable with your financial situation moving towards the future.

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