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All your finances are connected

That's why we integrate them!

Integrated Financial Planning

Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc. knows that finance can be a source of stress, but it doesn’t have to be. These are some good starter questions to ask yourself. Do I have enough in savings to cover three to six months of expenses? Are my loved ones provided for if I become incapacitated or deceased? Can I afford to get help from a financial professional? These questions can give you a good baseline of whether or not you are on track to reach your financial goals. We help you feel comfortable with your finances and we strive to grow your confidence regarding money. Investments, retirement, budgeting, and taxes are all things that are involved in integrated financial planning. We provide our services on a fee-only basis, with no product sales or commissions. Our fiduciary standard means that we provide advice that we believe is in our clients’ best interest.

How we do it

We are committed to doing what we believe is in our clients’ best interest. We do what we do because we want people to reach their goals, not just their financial ones. We want to help people become comfortable handling and understanding their personal finances. Becoming more educated on their finances will allow them to reach their lifestyle goals. Most people need integrated financial planning that addresses their goals, investments, retirement planning, insurance, estate plan, taxes, spending, and other financial concerns. Over many years, it’s been our experience that financial planning isn’t an event or a one-time meeting, it’s an ongoing process. Most of our clients work with us for many years, from their professional lives into retirement. Our clients pay an annual flat fee to have us provide proactive integrated financial planning. This fee varies, depending on the needs of the client and the complexity of their situation. Whether you already have a large portfolio or you’re just getting started planning your financial future we have a place for you. 

Peace of Mind Financial Planning, Inc. provides advice and services to implement advice, but we don’t sell products or take referral fees. Our loyalties are to our clients and they are the sole source of our compensation.

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